Hi There!

My name is Alexis Carter and welcome to my blog 🙂 

I ‘m starting this blog because…I like to talk.lol. Probably not what you were expecting right? I have tons of interests and keeping track of them isn’t always easy, but then again, that’s why I’m here, i’ll probably be posting about a lot of things and I’d love to hear your views and opinions, that’s what makes blogging fun right? 😀 anyways back to the point. Alexis Carter isn’t my real name..more an alter ego. Funny thing is, when I was a kid, I absolutely loved the name Alex, one reason being it could be used in a feminine or masculine context right?

               Anyways, I was watching an episode of ugly Betty this morning  and we were introduced to the gorgeous character Alexis. Image

It’s funny how you hear things and don’t really take note but your mind has a grasp on it and it tends to come up at a later point in time. Derren Brown the magician explained how the human mind picks up on random stuff on one of his shows, anyways enough of the rambling, Carter came up well because, Carter’s a damn cool name 😀 . Alexis Carter makes me sound like a bond movie character, for instance, *activates British accent* The name’s Carter…Alexis Carter. awesome much? 😀 

The thing about using a real name is that you’re open to judgement from people who know you, and you can’t really figure yourself out if you’re constantly scared of being judged, hence the need for her. For now, welcome to my blog; I’m Alexis Carter.